Monday, March 2, 2015

Commenting Review Week

I find the comments that the instructor and my fellow students leave for me are very useful. I usually actually do all of the changes my peers suggests because I normally agree with them. They are very helpful; they seem to catch things I missed.

The easiest part about writing comments is that all of the students in this class are so creative and good at writing it is not hard to come up with complimentary comments for them. I have enjoyed reading other students' stories. Some of them are so funny and creative.

I do feel like I am making good connections with other students in the class at the blogs. By reading students' introductions, I have discovered that I share many similarities and interests with other students.

(World Map)


  1. Hi Sarah! I love the comments people leave too. I always take everyone's suggestions too. I love how everyone in this class are really just out to help not hurt each other. We have some great writers in this class so I feel privileged mohave them reviewing my stories! I totally agree with you on making connections with people even though it's an online class. I feel like I've made a lot of friends just from finding similarities in peoples introductions etc.!

  2. Hey Sarah! I totally agree with your thoughts on using the awesome creative writing students as a resource. I often find myself browsing other peoples blogs to help me think of some new ways to write stories. I think this online class is really unique in the way that it strives to make connections between students even if they are behind a computer screen.
